Pikes Peak with Janae
Here are the 3 most important hiker tips
These three tips alone will make your hike ten times more pleasant.
These tips are what Janae has learned on her many adventures on hikes, especially on Pikes Peak.
Drink A LOT of water 2-3 days before your hike.
Especially if you are going to a higher altitude than what you are used to.
This is Janae’s rule of thumb: drink double what you normally drink the 2-3 days before your hike. The day before your hike drink 2-3 times the amount of water you normally do.
Example: If you normally drink 64oz of water a day. 2-3 days before the hike drink 128oz (1 gallon) of water. Then the day before the hike drink 128-194oz (1-1.5 gallons) of water.
The hydration is necessary before the hike, not as much during the hike.
Please take this to heart if you are traveling to Colorado and come from a lower altitude. This tip helps more than any other tip Janae has found.
I use a mixture of alkaline and clean filtered water both before and during my hike.
This tip has been more helpful than oxygen canisters.
Electrolytes: Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, and Sugar.
There are many electrolyte drinks, tablets, chews, and other food items on the market. These are essential to a good hike.
Personally, Janae has found that salt is the most neglected electrolyte and has been the most important electrolyte on a hike. Not enough salt can cause muscle cramps and fatigue.
Janae takes salt pills on every hike. Her favorite brand is Salt Stick® capsules and/or chewables. Janae also takes electrolyte drinks, jerky, and chews that all contain electrolytes.
If Janae ever gets a twinge of altitude, she will eat something that has electrolytes and/or salt. Especially the higher the altitude she is in.
This tip combined with hydration will be a game changer in altitude.
Disclaimer: Janae is not a medical doctor. Please consult your physician about the specifics of what you need.
Taking a deeper breath and slowing your pace.
This is Janae’s favorite and best tip- It is the most useful and easiest to do. It will always help no matter what is going on or where you are in your hike.
This tip is useful for altitude, anxiety, mind gremlins that creep in, and everything else you can think of that could happen on a hike.
Notice Jane did not say a “deep” breath, she encourages a deeper breath. Engaging your diaphragm will create a positive domino effect in your body on many levels.
If you feel any altitude effects, do this breath technique. Janae promises it will help.
This trick becomes more effective if you add lowering or dropping your shoulders as you take a deeper breath.
This trick will allow you to become more mindful and see the trees, the rocks, the view, and everything else around.
It will remind you why you are out there.
There is no doubt in my mind that this Hike will change your life forever. Allow the mountain to work its magic. You will not be disappointed.
Please see Janae’s links for additional tips and information to make this hike an amazing adventure.